Pasona Group cordially invites you to share your ideas and business plans aimed at creating a world where everyone can live healthily and happily — a world where “thank you” resounds. The focus of submissions is on the themes of “body”, “mind”, and “bonds”. Winning ideas and business plans will be showcased at the PASONA NATUREVERSE pavilion at the Osaka Kansai Expo. Furthermore, Pasona Group will support the development of these ideas or plans through coaching, funding, and other resources to help bring them to life.

Application Categories

Everyone’s Knowledge Category
Dreams and ideas to make the world a better place.
(※Ideas must be able to become a business)

Incubation Category
Plans and pitches for those looking to start a business.

Acceleration Category
Start-ups looking to increase their scale.


Application Guides

Application Link:

Application Deadline: February 10, 2025

Application Eligibility: Anyone worldwide, regardless of race, gender or nationality (Applications can be submitted as an individual, team, or corporation)

For details:

For enquiries: