The third “Pasona Club Event” in 2024 was successfully held on Saturday, May 25. The theme of the event this time was “Career in Japan”. We invited the guest speakers from our sister company, Pasona Asia Co., Limited, which is the pioneer Japanese recruitment firm in Hong Kong since 1984.

The topics covered in the seminar were; 1. Job Market in Japan, 2. General Recruitment Procedures in Japan, 3. Interview Tips, 4. Sample of Job Opportunities, 5. Cultural Differences, and 6. How Pasona can support finding a job.

They learned the actual situations in Japan in relation to employment and social systems, income levels, tax policies and social insurance costs. It was also made clear that N1 level of Japanese language proficiency is likely to be one of the requirements for recruitment.

It was a very informative 1.5-hour seminar which was definitely something participants needed to know if they wanted to live and work in Japan. Participants may contact Pasona Asia individually if they need more specific and detailed advice regarding job opportunities.